Freelance sucks Podcast


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About this Episode:

Have you ever wondered how to put a price tag on your passion? Discover the art of validating your services, the do's and don'ts of self-promotion, and why trusting your gut might just be your secret weapon 🚀

In this episode, Connection Strategist Baily Hancock shares what she finds the most challenging about freelancing:

👉 Knowing what to offer and what to price that offer.

👉 Maintaining an online presence.

👉 Building marketing and sales strategies.

Join us to learn from Baily's experiences and feel that you are not alone in this journey.


00:00 Meet Baily Hancock

00:43 Challenges of Pricing Freelance Services

01:55 Discovering and Validating Your Offer

06:06 The Art of Pricing and Experimentation

11:09 Marketing and Self-Promotion as a Freelancer

20:04 Navigating Professional Loneliness

21:33 Top Advice for Aspiring Freelancers


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