karmaSpeaker: interview

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Whether it’s pre-presentation jitters or a full-blown feeling of panic before getting on stage, many speakers at every stage of their careers deal with stage fright in some capacity. 

So, how do they overcome it and deliver killer keynote presentations? We tapped into our network to find out.

My Quote:

Tip 1: Have Faith in Yourself and Your Preparation 

No matter how well-prepared you are, there’s still a good chance you’ll feel nervous before you present. This is the philosophy embraced by Baily Hancock, Collaboration Consultant & Founder of The Collaboration Coalition.

“Even though I’ve done more than 100 speaking gigs, I still get nervous before I go on stage — even if that’s logging on to Zoom to teach a webinar,” Baily shares. “I remind myself that everything I need to know is already in my head, so even if I blank on what I planned to say next, I can always reach back into the library of my brain and pull out something relevant to keep things moving until I remember where I meant to go with the talk. That’s why knowing your story and having your expertise defined ahead of time is so important!”


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