18: "Making a Living as a Multi-Passionate" with Emily Katz, Founder of Modern Macramé

By now you might know that I hate the advice of "follow your passion" because generally, it leads people to more frustration than happiness. Emily Katz, Founder of Modern Macrame is one of those rare humans who not only has followed her passion, she's launched one successful business after another doing just that. 

Hear Emily share her career story that includes more than one magical, synchronistic moment, and learn how she's managed to embrace and capitalize on her creative Multi-Passionate gifts throughout her life. 

Emily Katz

About Emily:

Emily Katz is an artist, world traveler, teacher, interior designer, creative consultant, public speaker, social media phenomenon, and the owner of Modern Macramé. She has taught macrame to thousands around the globe, from private lessons to beautifully curated workshops, to team building for creative companies. Her aim is to not only share her love of this simple craft but to also inspire people to be better versions of themselves.

Emily has been featured in Forbes, The LA Times, London Daily Mail, Buzzfeed, Nylon Magazine, Elle Japan, Elle NL, and Elle France to name a few. Her first book, "Modern Macramé, 33 Stylish Projects for Your Handmade Home", will be released by Ten Speed Press in May 2018 and will be followed by a three-month macramé road trip and teaching book tour.

Website: ModernMacrame.com
Instagrams: @Emily_Katz & @ModernMacrame
Info on the Book Launch/Macramé Tour


19: "How to Write a Resume that Doesn't Suck" with Michele Lando, Professional Resume Writer


17: "Breaking into TV: The Extended Cut" with Henning Fog, Future Emmy-Winning Writer