Baily's Expertise for Exposure program was the catapult to new partnerships, exposure on blogs, and introductions to fellow creative entrepreneurs.
“Working with Baily was a turning point in my career. I met her years ago, and have always been drawn to her energy. When looking to expand my business and reach as an expert in my industry, I knew she was my gal. Her Expertise for Exposure program was the catapult to new partnerships, exposure on blogs, and introductions to fellow creative entrepreneurs.
Baily’s excitement for my growth kept me motivated and the accountability forced me to get sh*t done. I'm grateful for her interest in my story and for helping me package it in the most interesting and appealing way to both my clients and potential partners. It's the deep work that allowed me to show up as my truest self, and I've seen the reward of that not only in exposure, but also monetarily. Thank you, Baily!”
- Molly McCauley, Wedding Photographer | Mentor | Visual Brand Curator | Idea Igniter